Friday, March 15, 2019

Block 8 Handpieced QAL

It was great to get a way for a few days this week.  However, it's also good to come home and get caught up with the QAL.  Each block seems to get easier to do, so the adage that practice makes perfect comes to mind. I can't believe next week will bring us the final block, then it will be time to assemble this little quilt.


  1. Wow...those blocks look beautiful. I've just managed to complete three blocks so far...I love the colors combination.

    1. Thanks, they have been fun to make and I have had this fabric for several years.

  2. pretty colors - I like that about this one the colors that you use

    1. I won a fat quarter of this fabric and it isn't top quality. I planned to use them in a larger quilt but when I opened the bundle I realized it was very thin so it worked out to play around with hand piecing with them.

  3. Nice work on your blocks. What made you want to do hand piecing? I know it can be very accurate but I find it slow going. Do you pick up speed along the way?

    1. Well back in 1977 my dream was to make a hand stitched quilt. Family and work interferred but I did pick up quilting again in the early part of the 2000s. I have always loved hand quilting machine piecing is a struggle for me so I tried to give hand piecing a go again and am loving it. I have made 465 hst's for a quilt in about a month. I don't think I am fast but I make a few each day and were great to work on during our road trip.

  4. They are looking very sharp! Loving the two-toned solids!

  5. Your blocks look wonderful! Thanks for linking up with the Hand Pieced QAL!
