Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Block #7 Hand pieced QAL

Well Block # 7 is complete!  My pictures really didn't catch the true color of the fabric but it is what it is!  I didn't follow the piecing the directions on this one completely. The QAL directions used to flying geese to make the center block which caused a seam to go down the middle.  Since I am hand quilting this little quilt once its a top I eliminated that seam.

 I will be leaving on a road trip Sunday, so we will see if I will find time to work on Block #8 while I am away.  If not, I can't catch up on week nine.  Looking forward to setting these into a little quilt.


  1. have fun on your road trip and hope the weather will be a little warm wherever you go!!

    1. Every day has been warming a bit more But I'm sick of these cold blasts. So glad I live in the south.

  2. Your hand piecing is looking so nice! I always had a tough time at the corners. For some reason I never could figure out how not to have a hole there. Finally I just gave up!

    1. It's all about letting your needle pop right up next to that seam. I struggled with that also.

  3. You are doing a great job keeping up with the blocks... I'm stitching block #5 tonight

  4. Yeah, I am enjoyong the qal, but you know me when it comes to slow stitching!

  5. Looks good! Thanks for linking up with the Hand Pieced QAL!
