Sunday, May 31, 2020

Santa # 7

Another Santa completed!  Number six was fun to stitch as he was a gardener and the flowers have been so pretty this year in my little perennial bed.  I really am glad that Santa enjoys to garden in the off season, it must be quite relaxing for him. 

Then of course since the Linen and Threads SAL's new chart hasn't come out yet, I decided to get a start on Santa # 7.  I chose him since he's a patriotic Santa and has on his three corner hat and has a flag and bugle in his pack.  I thought that would be quite fitting as we are coming up on Flag Day and before you know it, it will be time to celebrate the Fourth of July!

I couldn't resist laying the six finished Santa's out and snapping a picture.  Three were done on 16 ct aida and 3 on 18 ct aida.  I like variety I guess!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

May flowers

Texas is finally warming and flowers are opening all over my little flower bed and my stitching!  I planted some lily bulbs a couple of years ago and they are doing well!

And in my stitching, Santa # 6 of my 12 Santa Jouney is a gardener!  He now is holding his watering can and I've started his wheelbarrow and even a few flowers were added this week.  

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mid May Update!

It's been a great week here. Starting the week with a wonderful Mother's Day with my son and his family!  I am so thankful for the technology we have today as I could have a wonderful video chat with my daughter and her family all the way from Cambridge, England.  My hope is that we can go visit sometime in the next 2 years before she comes back to the states.  I guess time will tell as things start to reopen and we try to live in a new way to avoid the virus.   Thursday, we went out to celebrate my 65th birthday!  It was the first time we sat down at a restaurant in I don't know how long.  It seemed like ages! Here I am with hubby and my son.

Of course, there was some down time for some crossstitching!  I finished up my May Linen and Threads SAL chart!  Each additional motif really adds so much to this project!

And since I was able to get out and pick up some dmc threads I could go ahead and work on Santa #6.  This is the 1993 release and kind of dear to my heart as he is the gardening Santa.  Lots and lots of stitches still to make but he is coming along.

Hope you had a wonderful week and found some time to make your favorite stitches!  

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Such a wonderful week here in North Texas!  We had some windy days but we expect them and a few showers, but we are always thankful for them as our summers become quite hot and dry!  But looking out one morning this week I was amazed how green the grass is and how the perrenials are starting to bloom.  Despite the ongoing news about Covid19 life out in nature is continuing to flourish and in fact quite well this spring.  I decided to snap a few pics of things growing in the backyard in celebration of Mother's Day!

Some have started blooming others are just about to bloom!  But all of them so happy to be alive and flourishing!

I added a humming bird feeder to my perrenial bed this year.  I wasn't sure any would come to my feeder but I did have to give it a go.  Much to my surprise we have several that have been visiting every day and although they are hard to capture in a pic I did capture a couple of snapshots this week.

I am able to watch them from the screened in porch while I am reading or stitching, what a joy!

As for stitching I did get a few stitches in my Linen and Things SAL

It's coming along nicely I have a couple of more motifs to add before the next month's chart comes out!  I also started my next Santa!  I went and counted and found out I had more done that I had thought! This is Santa #6.  I have been watching some You tube videos on how to frame and finish off projects and have some ideas in my head.

I finished the Bunny on green this week  too!

Today will be family time!  My son has invited us over for some Texas BBQ Brisket!  It's sooooo good and the weather should be perfect to enjoy their beautiful backyard!  It's not a traditonal Mother's day as we usually go out to eat, but it sure will be just as awesome!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Feeling Overwhelmed!

I have had a week of feeling overwhelmed and not getting much done.  It's a bit like being stuck in a rut.  I think  I will call it the "pandemic rut"!  So to get out of my rut, I decided to work on a couple of Kathy Schmitz embroideries. These bunnies along with reading a bit each day has been a nice change of pace. 

I have a bit more stitching to do on the second one then to decided how to finish them will be in order.  I am excited about  the new chart for the  Linen and Threads mystery.

I love how each additional month of stitching adds so much to the project.  My 12 Santa journey was put on hold due to the lack of embroidery floss.   I was able to get out Friday as some stores are reopening to get some more thread.   I also realized I miscounted how many Santa's I have finished.  So I need to update my last Santa post as this is the start of Santa number 6. The last leg of the Sentimental Quilter Mystery Quilt also came out, but I have put that aside for later.   Too many sticks in the fire is not good for this girl.  Hoping to have a more peaceful relaxing week, less news and more relaxing stitches are in order.