Not a lot of time for blogging, but I thought I would do an update on my medallion and Texas star quilts. I was able to finish piecing the eight sections of hourglass blocks to go with the center medallion. I got into a rhythm and my eyes soon got very good at noticing when an hourglass block was turned the wrong way. I still need to sew the sections together. Right now they are waiting on the guest room bed. Safe and sound. I need to do some math and shopping before I can go ahead with the border.
This photo was taken before the last three sections were made. It is a king size quilt which is hard to get into one pic, so this will have to do!
On Wednesday, I decided it was time to get my Texas Star quilt basted. Basting is right up there with cutting as not one of my least favorite parts of quilt making. But ironically, once I get started it really gets done quite quickly and I end up wondering why I kept putting it off. I work on my kitchen island so putting in the pins is not back breaking. I recently bought two wool batts, but I always check the tub of batting leftovers. Yes, to my surprise there was enough Hobbs poly down to use for this quilt. I had to sew the two pieces together but that is easily done.
Once basted a decision needs to be made about the quilting design. I had seen an old Texas star that was quilted with double diagonal lines and I have always wanted to try that, but when I started with the hera marker I couldn't come up with anything that said yes this is it. I tried 1/2 inch to 1 inch space between the lines but nothing seemed right. The nice thing about the hera is you just spritz with some water and all those attempts disappear.

So I tried the ever so boring quilting 1/4 inch from the seams but I didn't want to stitch around each star point. So then I said why not sew around the whole star and then again around the hexagon in the center. It still needed something. Then I remembered the circles I had added to the border so I found a quarter and marked a quarter size circle in the cheddar center hexagon! Perfect!!!!!! On the alternate blocks I am stitching 1/2 inch around the hexagon and adding a circle to the center! I was pleased with both and it will be very easy to mark as I go!
My progress as of this morning! |
I am loving all the circles!
I set my hoop and chair up in the corner of the kitchen eating area. There is great light and I can watch tv or listen to podcasts with my earbuds. I love having a quilt in my hoop for when I need a bit of zen time.