Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol winner

Well, I am so happy that Kris Allen was the winner this year of American Idol 2009. He seemed to be he underdog, but America voted and he won. Did anybody watch the finale tonight? I thought it was one of their best, alot of stars. Quite entertaining, especially when the idol contestants got to sing with different stars.


  1. I think it is rigged. Now, they get two stars out of the show instead of 1. Both guys will get recording contracts.

    That said, I didn't watch the show. I heard them replayed on the radio. They are both good. I really like the Tears for Fears "Mad World" song choice.

  2. You missed a great show, They had some great preformances with the idol contestants and the stars. Adam with Kiss was quite spectacular but I must say Steve Martin should have stayed home. Maybe it's just that banjo music is not my thing.
