Sunday, June 28, 2020

Santa #8

After finishing up on the June chart for the Linen and Threads SAL, I started Santa #8.  I have been working on him for two weeks and he still needs his boots and the border stitched, but he is coming along nicely.  I am finding I struggle a bit when using the white threads in his beard. I ended up using a method called railroading to help the threads lay straight.  It seemed to help but is a bit tedious to do.  I was wondering if some of you other crossstitchers have run into the same problem.  And I also wonder if its just a problem with dmc thread. I don't have any experience with other threads, so your thoughts would be appreciated. 

I also got a bit of surprise this am when I looked at my perrenial bed this morning. My little  rain lillies bulbs that I bought off a clearance rack have decided to bloom.  The flowers just popped up overnight it seems! Hopefully they will spread and I will enjoy more blooms each year!


  1. Your Santa is looking jolly. That is a lot of white beard to stitch. How fabulous that your clearance rain lily has flowered and oh how pretty it is. It looks lovely blooming against the deep pink of the echinacea.

    1. Yes, it was quite a surprise to see the little lillie poking out! Yes, I guess I will just have to keep untwisting my thread when working with white thread.

  2. The Santa is so cute! I have never railroaded my stitches - I don't really get it, and it looks like it will take a lot of extra time. But I really do like the look of it. I think it happens with all threads, not just DMC. I know what you mean about the white not looking right, but I just go with it. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. Love that Santa. He looks so majestic. I am finding that some flosses combined with some fabrics are problematic. I have been forced to use a magnifier to stitch my bunny in order to get the stitches to look flat and even. I don't want to take the extra time needed for railroading. What a pretty lily. Love those clearance rack purchases.

    1. My friend using a laying tool, that seemed cumbersome to me. I do find pulling the thread out away from me seems to untangle the thread and sometimes good enough has to be good enough!

  4. Santa is lovely. Love seeing pictures of your clearance lillies!

    1. Yeah, I finished hime this week and can't wait to start another.

  5. Your santas are such fun. I'm not sure what railroading is? I do however always separate my threads and then put them back together before stitching it leaves a lovely smooth finish. Those pink flowers are stunning, great bargain by the sound of it!

    1. railroading is when you put the needle down between the threads right before you go thru fabric it helps to untangle them I guess. I think you might be doing the same thing in a different way.

  6. Each of your Santas has been so fun to see! Will they go together in some kind of finished piece when they're done? I'll look forward to seeing what you do with them!

  7. What a lovely Santa! He probably has a lot of presents in his bag and it looks like he's in a hurry.
    So beautiful flowers in your garden!

  8. isn't it nice to see surprise flowers. The Santa is wonderful old fashioned looking guy! I don't know what railroading is

  9. Santa is coming along nicely. I’ve done railroading when I use floss on needlepoint canvas. When cross stitching, I separate the floss threads. Sometimes the two strands get twisted as I am stitching. When that occurs, I slide the eye of the needle down the threads to smooth them out, then they lay flatter on the linen/aida cloth. Hope that makes sense. I have not seen a rain lily before. Very pretty!

    1. Yeah it's all about keeping the twisting to a minimum! The white threads seems to show the twists more than the other colors I think

  10. I see my cross stitch guru friend Cathie responded to your plea for help and I am sorry I don't have any to share either except all your work looks amazing on that beard!!! I hope someone sheds help unless your thread could be old or DMC quality has changed if it is new floss.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE those pink cone flowers and that lily saying hello in their midst is PRECIOUS!!! Thanks for sharing. I love the Santa so far and look forward to seeing boots and border and done Carla :) kathi

    1. In texas it's hard to grow to the perennials I grew up north but these cone flowers have done quite well.

  11. Santa is looking great and what a pretty pop of pinks in your flower bed.

  12. Santa is looking very good - he seems to be "moving" with such purpose! Your blossoms are beautiful!
