It was a busy week at my house. We tore into the laundry room and Tom built drawers to go under the front loader and dryer. It will be so nice to not have to bend over to get the clothes at the back of the washer. They turned out really nice and now I have two drawers to store supplies. He finished them this week, and was wondering what was next. So I suggested building in some shelves in the laundry room. I had some plastic shelving units that were not very stable and were beginning to sag in places. He thought that was a good idea and we were able to finish them up yesterday. I keep a lot of my kitchen appliances in there and it was so nice to have the open shelves that were a couple of inches wider with no supporting rods in the way and constraining how I used the them.

In between helping him in the garage I was able to stitch my November Cheddarback quilt blocks. I decided for November, I would save the 5.5 inch blocks for use in the next section of the quilt instead of the letter blocks in that section. So for November's 5.5 inch blocks I drafted some number blocks for the year instead. They aren't hard to do but just take a bit of thought and I just measured the pieces out from my drawings. I think they turned out pretty good.

The block above the number blocks is the November 12.5 inch block. It was a fun block to stitch too! So between the laundry room and the piecing I didn't get as many hand quilted stitches completed. I was able to finish the two panels I almost finished last week and I started a third pink panel and stitched two sections of cable. It's nice to look back at the week, I ususally find I did more than I thought. Tonight, the Cowboys play the Vikings. Alexa says the Cowboys are favored to win by 3 points so it should be a very close game. I will try and enjoy a few more slow stitches but we will see how it all unfolds.