It's been a busy couple of weeks here. Fall weather always is welcomed here in North Texas. It is so nice to open up the house and enjoy the fresh air. However, when it's in the low 80s or high 70's it can be too warm to get under a wool quilt and quilt very long. But that is ok, there will be plenty of cooler days as we progress in the winter season. I started quilting in the center of the quilt and have been following two panels to the edge. I haven't quite reached the edge yet but I am almost there. Here is the progress on the front of the quilt.
I was surprised to find that stitching around all those leaves is really more enjoyable than the cable panel. But, I am very pleased with the results and balance of stitching between the two different panels.

I remembered this morning to flip the quilt over and give you a look at the back. So much fun to take it out of the hoop and get a glimpse of what the finished quilt may look like. Still so many stitches to make but each one brings me closer to a finish and I am afraid I will be a bit sad when it's done and it's no longer in the hoop. But, it seems there is always another quilt top waiting in the sidelines and the list of quilts you want to make is endlesss.