Thursday, April 2, 2009

Top Gear

Today, I thought I would catch up on my dvr recordings, so I turned on Top Gear. This episode was about them motor biking from one end of Vietnam to the other. It was quite entertaining. I only put in 2.5 miles to their 1700 but when I was done I felt like I had walked across vietnam with them. I was surprised at how beautiful a country it is. I guess I need to dvr some travel shows and walk across some other countries.


  1. Top Gear is one of the best shows ever

  2. I agree, I don't know much about cars, but they are very entertaining.

  3. Have you seen the one where they drive from FL to LA through the rural south? So hilarious!

    How about taking a trip to one of those other countries?

  4. No I haven't seen that episode. I can imagine a couple of englishman traveling thru the south could be pretty fun. I am still laughing about how none of them wanted to drive the backup motorbike they brought in with the American paint job and flags.
