Since I just finished a quilt I am looking forward to what is next. I remember a time when I just couldn't wait to start the next project. It seems now a days I like to put a bit more thought into what I want to spend my time making. I have wrestled with what to do with a bolt of solid red fabric I bought several years ago. I really love two color quilts and know that is the direction I want to move. So I narrowed down my choices for a red and white quilt to an ocean waves, lady of the lake, or broken dishes. Well, I have made my choice Lady of the Lake. Not quite as many of those HST's as Ocean Waves which is helping me with the decision. Piecing has alway been a challenge for me! So to encourage me to start I ordered Bonnie Hunter's essential triangle ruler and I hope with her experienced advice I can become a more accurate piecer. I need to dig out my white bolt of fabric and see if I have enough to start but hopefully that will happen over the next few weeks.
As for today, I really need to relax. It has been a crazy week here. I spent a lot to time working on the lawn. The previous owner did nothing to control the weeds. I had some weed with a purple daisy looking flower that are actually winning the war between it and the burmuda. I also have been tilling organic matter into the soil that will be my little kitchen garden. We will see?? It has come along way this summer at least all the rocks have been removed and the sod has been busted. Now to let the organic matter and worms do their magic over the winter. So it feels good to take the afternoon off and add some leaves to my trailing vine quilt. It's my go to project in between any others. So glad it is there.
Pieced and prepped leaves for Trailing Vines |
My granddaughter Aria put in a request for a quilt for her doll Leah. She told me Leah would love to have a quilt just like the one that I made for her. So this is what I cameup with this week.
Aria'a Wonky Star Quilt |
Leah's wonky star doll quilt |
Hopefully, this will work!