I am looking forward to my slow stitches today, as I will hopefully finish stitching the binding down on Baltimore Garden. It has been a long week and my anxiety levels were high, as I thought about trimming and squaring up a quilt that I have so much time vested in. So much can go wrong with a rotary cutter in my hand ! But, I decided to just take a deep breath and measure carefully. I guess the care I took squaring up blocks and the border while assembling the quilt paid off. I had very little to trim off of the top and loved how it looked once I gave it that much needed haircut. Over the hump, now to just enjoy the binding process. I know many quilters don't like binding but I love doing the math to figure out what size square I need to make the binding. Cutting the bias binding, pressing the seams open, pressing it in half and then stitching it to the quilt top. It makes such a difference to finally see your quilt bound. What's not to like?

Moving along, I have been wanting a table topper to go on the kitchen table since we moved this summer. I finally decided after seeing Cathy over
Sane, Crazy,Crumby Quilting working on her triangle star blocks that I thought that block would be perfect for my table. I think the vibrant colors Cathy is using in her blocks are probably better suited to showing off this block, but the fabrics I chose really look nice in my kitchen. The plaid and muted cream fabric don't have as much contrast as I usually use, but they really worked well in my kitchen. I pulled out some black solid for the background as I believe that every room needs a touch of black. Ok the truth is I am obsessed with black painted furniture. I am still trying to figure out how to break the news to my husband I plan on painting our oak chairs. Anyway back to the table topper, I was really surprised at how well it went together. Of course my seams are not all perfect, I say they are just right. I have it layered and basted and started hand quilting it. Maybe, I can sneak in a few more stitches today.

While I was downloading these photos for the blog, I kind of chuckled at the difference of these two projects. The possibilities are endless and I guess that keeps us moving from one project to the next!